4 side hustles for 2022

22 Feb 2022

3 minute read

4  side hustles for 2022

So, you want to make more money but don’t have loads of spare time? Say less 😎. We want our customers to be in the know with the best ways you can make some extra bucks on the side, without the added stress of a second job. If this is you, keep on reading 👀…


Sell your stuff 

It’s time to break up with your old belongings you’ve been holding on to for way too long. Old clothes, art, furniture…if you haven’t used or worn it in 2 years, give it the flick. Use platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Depop, or the old faithful, eBay, to get rid of the goods and pocket your profit. 


There is an art to this, however. We don’t recommend snapping up any old photos and writing a brief description. For better chances of your listing being noticed, take high-resolution images in great lighting, source the brand and product name as well as any key info on the item to use in the description. 


Freelance your work

You’re more than likely skilled in some way that could earn you some pocket money through odd jobs or freelancing. For freelance work in Australia, you’ll usually need an ABN (Australian Business Number) so you can be paid as an independent contractor running your own business. Applying for an ABN online yourself is also easy and completely free. To find freelance work, try LinkedIn, Seek, or reach out to companies you’re interested in working with. Alternatively, take a look on Upwork and Airtasker and simply apply. All you need to get paid through these platforms is a bank or PayPal account.



Rent out a room or car space

If you have a spare room, car space or storage space available, did you know you can rent it out? Using Spacer, you can list your car or storage space online for free. For those of you with a spare room, Airbnb is always a great option. You’d be surprised by the amount of people passing through for a night or two that need somewhere to crash!



Marketing focus groups

Who knew you could get paid for sharing your opinion?! Market research groups, or focus groups, are a necessary part of business operation. As a consumer, a company or third-party research organisation can pay you for participating and sharing your genuine thoughts. Register on websites such as Realtime Research or Farron Research and you are usually paid in cash or gift cards. Easy money!