4 Things worth spending your money on
24 Jan 2023
3 minute read
Between the cost of living and the pressure to save, it’s hard to know what things you should be spending your money on. To help clear things up, we’ve listed our top 4 things we think are worth dropping some coin on 💸.
They say we spend a third of our lives in our beds, so it makes sense to make sure yours is top quality! Home should be your sanctuary, so purchasing a good-quality mattress is a great place to start. Investing in a good night's rest is much more beneficial than daily energy drinks and expensive under-eye creams.
We know what you're thinking, “the public healthcare system is fine, why should I pay more for health coverage?” Private health exists to help people (you) cover the costs of all the health-related curveballs that life throws your way. Paying that little extra now can dramatically help unexpected long-term costs. Just make sure you select the right cover for you and utilise the benefits each year 🥳!
There is no going backwards from good quality food. Your mood, energy and outlook on life are all affected by the food you put into your body. If it’s going to benefit your well-being, it’s a good sign that spending the extra dollar is going to be worth it. Life’s too short for bad food, and so is
We are big believers that health equals wealth. Without our health, we have nothing! If you're neglecting to take care of yourself, then you may end up paying for it down the road. Regular exercise helps boost your immune system, can protect you against illness and even help you recover faster if you do get sick. Investing your time, energy and money into a fitness style that works for you, will benefit you in so many ways (woohoo! 👏).
MyPayNow wants to help you spend in the right places and save where you can. We support your savings goals but know that sometimes spending more upfront leads to spending less in the long run. If there’s something that you can take away from this list, remember you can always turn to MyPayNow for a payday advance 💜. So now, you don’t have to wait any longer for those long-term investments.