5 Resume rules to follow
13 Sep 2022
3 minute read
Thinking of a career change or just needing a fresh start? It’s time to give your resume an upgrade! Resumes paint a picture of who you are and what you could bring to the table. It’s the first impression you leave with an employer, so it’s important to make it a good one. To keep it simple, we’ve broken down 5 resume rules you should follow, have a read below and thank us later 😉
1. K.I.S.S
When in doubt, keep it simple, stupid! 1-2 pages only, that’s all you need. Unless you’re also submitting a portfolio, there’s no need to have a 3+ page resume. The key to sticking to 1-2 pages is having a practical but sleek format and presentation. If you’re not the creative type, have a browse on Canva or Etsy for some modern and eye-catching resume designs!
2. Tailor your resume to the job
While it’s certainly easier to send the same resume to every job you apply for, employers are looking for specific experience and skillsets to suit the role. Ensure you’ve read the job description in detail and pick out the key attributes they are looking for. Highlight these on your resume – and your cover letter – to show why you’re the best person for the job!
3. Triple check grammar and spelling
Not trying to be captain obvious over here, but you’ll be surprised at how many people rush their resumes and don’t check their grammar and spelling. Before sending off, send your resume to a friend with a knack for words and cross-check with one of our favourite apps and browser extensions, Grammarly. This nifty app suggests re-phrasing sentences, synonyms, highlights spelling errors and even lets you know the tone of your words!
4. Cut out references
Why, you ask? Firstly, references take up too much space and we’re already working with limited real estate. Instead, use that space to highlight any unique skills, work experience, qualifications or even personal traits! These days, references are saved for when you’ve at least had an interview. Plus, when the interviewer starts asking for them, it might be an indication that you’re step closer to the job!
5. Always have a tailored cover letter
Want to seal the deal with something sweet? This is your perfect opportunity to give further examples of your work, your characteristics and give your future employer insights into what they should expect from you. Just like tailoring your resume, ensure your cover letter has been completely tailored to the job description and the company.