Bronson Powe’s first CEO Sleepout raises $3,627 for the homeless!
10 Aug 2021
2 minute read
We’re so excited to share that our very own Managing Director, Bronson Powe, participated in this year’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout and raised $3,627 for the homeless. We sat down with Bronson to hear about his experience and learn why it was important for him to take part this year.
It was your first time doing the Vinnies CEO Sleepout…tell us about your experience!
It was a great experience and something I’m very glad I participated in, not just for the charity but for me personally as well. We are incredibly lucky and very fortunate to be in the position we’re in and to be able to attend the sleepout is a reminder of that. Although it was only one night, it was eye opening to experience only part of what the homeless face every day of their lives.
What surprised you the most about the entire process?
The support. The whole community really came together, it was a fantastic turnout. We have such an amazing community here on the Gold Coast and the effort that everyone put in was great to see.
Why was it important that you participated in the sleepout this year?
Running a business makes it is very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day cycle of not only work, but life itself. It was super important to take a step back, and really appreciate life and the effects homelessness has on Australians. The CEO Sleepout was a fantastic way to do that, all whilst giving back. It was an experience like no other and I would strongly recommend anyone and everyone to get behind Vinnies and support a great cause in next year’s event.
What does it mean to you personally?
For me personally, to be able to raise money and help the lives of Australians that are less fortunate than myself is extremely rewarding. I think it’s important no matter who you are or what you do, to put yourself in other people’s shoes, as you’re never fully aware of the struggles that others are facing.
The entire team at MyPayNow would like to extend a big thank you to Vinnies for raising awareness and funds that directly assist the homeless community across Australia. This year, they raised a total of $9,332,088, smashing their goal of $8,550,000!