How to save money on existing expenses

26 May 2021

3 minute read

How to save money on existing expenses


We've all spent hours at home trying to brainstorm grand ideas or come up with the next big thing that will make our bank account look a little healthier. But what if we told you there were ways to save some money on your existing expenses? It may not seem like much, but every dollar counts, right? 


If you're a sucker for food shopping when you're hungry and end up coming home with more snacks than actual food, we recommend having a feed before you head to the store. Another pre-grocery shopping tip is to decide on your weekly meals in advance and set a budget. Think about cooking your food in bulk so your meals last longer, it's always a plus when you have leftovers for lunch the next day! If you do go slightly over budget, no need to worry, you can use MyPayNow to get your pay on demand in only a few minutes. 


If you've taken a deep dive into your bank statement recently (and if you haven't, we highly recommend you do) and noticed recurring payments and have no idea what it is, there's a good chance you can cut it from your outgoing expenses. Things like free trial periods ending on that app you used one time could now be charging you a monthly or even a weekly fee! While you're at it, it could also be time to cut one of the many streaming programs you've signed up for and never use anymore.


It may seem like a hassle but switching utility providers could save you more money each month. A quick surf of the web and you may be able to find a great value offer for changing your insurance, phone, or electricity provider. Look around for limited time offers or new customer deals and compare to your existing plan. There's no harm in calling your current provider to see if they can do a better deal or a price match!


When jumping from job to job throughout your younger years, it's common for there to be a superannuation fund in your name that's been flying under the radar, unbeknownst to you. It's a good idea to start thinking about consolidating your funds and going with a Super account that best suits your financial situation. While you're at it, you can find out if you have any unclaimed superannuation money in your name – you may just have a surprise waiting for you. 

If you don't find that pot of gold you were hoping for and need a payday advance, download the MyPayNow app and access your pay, today!