It’s time to spring clean your finances!

20 Sep 2023

3 minute read

It’s time to spring clean your finances!

As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, it's natural to feel the urge to declutter and refresh. While tidying up your living space, don’t forget to take a look at your finances too 🐝. Just like a clean and organised home can boost your mental well-being, having a well-managed financial life can provide a sense of security and peace of mind. 


Revisit your financial goals  

Remember those New Year resolutions you made? Yeah, the ones that got left behind in February 😉. Well, it’s time to revisit them! Do you want to buy a new car, build a stronger emergency fund, or pay off student loans? Having a clear idea of your financial goals is a key step in maintaining a clear direction towards financial success. As we enter this new season, it’s a perfect time to revisit your goals. That said, it’s okay to tweak them to suit your current financial circumstances. Whatever your situation may be, use this as an opportunity to learn and reward yourself when your goals are in action! 


Review your subscriptions   

Roll up your sleeves and look at what financial commitments you’re actually using this spring. Haven’t been to the gym in months 🏃‍♂️? Have only scrolled through that streaming service once in the last three months? It’s probably time to cancel your membership. Tracking your spending regularly can give you an accurate picture of where your money is going and where you’d like it to go instead. To figure out the total monthly cost of your subscriptions, review your bank statements 🧾. Once you have an accurate picture, it’s time to eliminate the unnecessary ones! 


Refresh your budget  

We know what you’re thinking…budgets, boring 🤓! But your spending habits may have changed since you last thought about it. We recommend revisiting your existing budget to accommodate these seasonal changes. This will help you achieve consistent contributions to your savings, investments, and any repayments you may have. That way, you can have a clearer idea of what spending money you’ll have to enjoy the warmer weather festivities that spring brings 🌼.  


Don’t budget and not sure where to start? Check out our other blogs:  


Spring cleaning your finances doesn’t have to be a chore. If you ever find yourself needing some extra cash between paychecks, remember that MyPaynow is always in your back pocket to cover those unexpected expenses without breaking a sweat. Happy cleaning 🧽!