Types of stress and how to manage them at work
10 Feb 2023
2 minute read
Unless you live on a private island, encountering some form of stress in your life is inevitable. Sure, chucking a sickie and crying in bed all day to avoid responsibilities sounds like a good short-term solution, however, finding more practical options to deal with day-to-day stress is what will truly set you up for success in the long run. So, below are three types of stress you’ll most likely experience in your lifetime and some helpful action plans on how to manage them…because life's too short to stay stressed 😎.
Time Stress
Time stress can be brought on when you think you’re unable to perform tasks in a given time. You’ll most likely feel it when you’re rushing for a deadline or feeling super overwhelmed with tasks. The best way to manage this? *Spoiler alert* have a plan in place! Break your tasks down into small steps and write to-do lists based on your priority for that day 👏. If you feel like you can’t handle the workload, don’t ever be afraid to talk to your manager about it. A good manager is there to support your needs for success and will appreciate the feedback.
Situational Stress
Being involved in difficult situations, like an important meeting at work or trying to teach a sloth how to do his emails in a timely manner, can bring on situational stress. It’s important to be aware of your natural responses, so you know when it’s a good time to focus on your breathing. This is to help override your adrenaline with oxygen. When you get the chance, another way to help is to focus on getting some steps in. There are many benefits to walking for both the body and mind, such as promoting the release of endorphins which will help you stimulate relaxation and improve your mood. Including the opportunity to physically remove yourself from said stressful situation and find some peace.
Anticipatory Stress
You’re nauseous and haven’t slept all week, today is the day you must deliver your first presentation at your new job. This is something called, anticipatory stress. This is a common reaction for those who dread standing up in front of groups of people and delivering presentations (shy personalities, we see you The thought of messing up, hearing your own voice and completely getting laughed at has taken over your entire mind, to the point where you forgot what you are even presenting. To overcome anticipatory stress, focus on the now and what you can control. Act on the things that you can tick off and remember to be proud of yourself at the end.